29 Sep AMP Review: Emer Mayock
New to Music Synch Licensing from Ireland
At AMP we pride ourselves in covering as many genres as we possibly can with quality music in anticipation of the range of great productions and projects that you all have out there. Thus, naturally, this being Ireland, we will also have great Irish traditional music for your pleasure and convenience. The West of Ireland’s Emer Mayock is a prime example, and provider, of such delights. An outstanding composer and musician Emer’s favored instrument is the flute, and an instrument which she handles exquisitely, but which by no means is the end of her repertoire (she also plays, for example, the Uiellann pipes, whistles and the fiddle). An abiding interest in the oddly named “world music” scene has led Emer to collaborate far and wide with indigenous musicians from around Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India and all the way to China. This interest and these collaborations surely somehow tints the Celtic lens through which Emer’s compositions emerge, and adds a dash spice to her melodious configurations. She just as easily delivers Irish traditional music in the vein of melancholy as joy, and has easy access to the spectrum in between, which makes her music full-bodied and fully fledged.
Stop on by to have a listen here: http://musicsearch.avantmusicport.ie/onepage/ec75a07026782b33b433eb21ce9a91db
Styles: Irish Traditional, Folk, Celtic, Indie Folk, Acoustic
Moods: Lively, Joyful, Reflective, Stately, Glorious, 1916, Hardship, Ending, Hopeful, Heroic, Exhilarating, Serious, Laidback, Spirited, Melancholic, Enchanted, Loving, Chase, Optimistic, Festive, Earthy, Poetic, Nature, Dreamy, Strong, Flowing, Yearning, Stirring, Inspiring