13 Jan Artist Profile: 3epkano
New to Music Synch Licensing from Ireland
Post Rock, Folk, Classical, Acoustic
Cinematic, Emotional, Minimal, Anticipating, Haunting, Climatic, Hopeful, Soaring, Confrontational, Elegant, Soundscape, Melancholic, Spacious, Graceful, Light, Sincere, Rhythmic, Groovy, Nostalgic, Lonely, Driving, Tense, Deep, Chase, Triumphant
A cinematic sound runs in the blood of 3epkano. Each instrumental track is a compliment and enhancer to a visual that waits in the wings somewhere. It is no wonder that they are so beloved by film folk and Arts festivals, from Ireland, Germany and France, to the US. 3epkano have brought their soundtracks from Fringe festivals to major institutions like the Lincoln Centre and BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music). With a base palette of electric guitar, cello, viola, drums and bass, they also often chuck in keys, and the odd harmonium, and as such straddle a universe between post rock fare and classical (think Mogwai). Much of it, often due to its rather dark, haunting, languorous movements, fits well with silent noir movies, and this is where they have frequently been used, but it’s by no means the only format into which they can be suitably inserted. Lullaby for Isabelle and Caligari! Caligari!, for example, both offer gentle attention to optimism. Not Now Steve and We Go From Tears to Shouts, brings drive and muscle to the table.
Come and see what 3epkano might do for you on the AMP player: Listen on the Avant Music Port player