23 Feb Artist Profile: Bantum
New to Music Sync Licensing from Ireland
Electronic Dance, Electro, Funk, Rock, Hip Hop, Dance
Heavenly, Atmospheric, Echo, Deep, Dark, Ethereal, Filmic, Quirky, Tense, Tender, Dreamy, Uplifting, Warm, Big Beat, Vibrant, Winter, Hard, Strong, Raw, Hurt, Hypnotic, Breakdown, Chiming, Upbeat
No stranger to sync, although mainly in Ireland so far, Bantum has repeatedly been vouched for as far as sync’ability goes, and this both because of and despite his experimental, off the usual wall, tendencies. At the same time as being lost in repetitive loops and beats Bantum cleverly transforms the recognizable without you being aware of it happening. All of a sudden you find yourself far from home, but isn’t it beautiful, isn’t it fascinating, isn’t it funky! If you just let yourself be driven into these pulsating quirky electronic heartbeats, let them enter your veins, then the Bantum road will rise to meet you. These are creative, slightly odd, yet familiar tracks, that easily slide into a both a commercial as well as an indie territory.
Let Bantum enthrall you here: Listen on the Avant Music Port player